
学生 majoring and minoring in 国际研究 frequently seek internships in a wide variety of organizations--governmental, 非政府, 教育, 专业, 和面向业务的. They may take place in the United States or abroad and students may earn up to 6 hours of 体育菠菜大平台 credit for them. 实习通常由学生发起,并需要项目主任的批准. As a program, we support our students' desire to enhance their skills and future marketability. This page provides an incomplete listing of some internships that may be of interest to 国际研究 students. 我们要求学生告知我们应该添加到这个列表中的其他网站.



NCUSAR在华盛顿特区提供实习项目.C. 2017年夏天. This program offers many different benefits such as academic, 专业, and personal development. This experience combines full-time work experiences with a parallel academic seminar and site-visits to central institutions of federal government, 国家安全政策制定, 以及国际外交和商务,为期10周. This internship will allow students to interact with 专业s that have careers related to improving various facets of the Arab-US relationship. 



独联体国外 aids in pairing students with internship opportunities and study abroad experiences that best suit them. 浏览他们的许多不同的合作伙伴地点和实习/留学选择. “我们提供创新的教育项目,拓宽学术视野, 提高全球意识, and encourage personal development while laying the foundation for participants to become engaged world citizens".



IES实习 offers 无薪, full-time 夏天 internship programs for academic credit in 13个位置 和全日制学期实习 五个位置. 除了IES实习项目, IES国外提供无偿服务, part-time semester and 夏天 internships to supplement study abroad coursework in more than 25个城市 世界各地. 而全职暑期实习 保证而兼职实习则不然. 实习地点包括:澳大利亚、爱尔兰、德国、西班牙等等. IES还提供美国境内的实习机会. 



“你对MEDLIFE充满热情吗?? 你是一个重视社区参与的积极公民吗? What about discussing social issues and playing an active role in creating a visible difference? 然后加入MEDLIFE行动呼吁,做出积极的改变!". 地中海的生活 is currently looking to fill intern positions in areas such as: Volunteer Affairs, 医疗项目, 媒体, 和扩张.



"一心之源 is currently accepting applications for our 2017 从实践经验中学习 Programs in Cape Town, 南非. We are offering a variety of 1, 2, and 4-weekvolunteer programs and internships next 夏天. As a One Heart Volunteer you will: Gain international experience for graduate school and employment, 发展国际沟通技巧, 辅导和社区外展, 指导学生实现学术成长和培养持久的关系, 让自己沉浸在当地社区中,拓宽你的全球视野, 与来自世界各地的大学生团体合作。”.



"The Samaritan’s Purse Global Internship Program is an opportunity for college students and recent graduates to use their skills to impact the hurting world in a tangible way. Whether at our international headquarters in North Carolina or in one of our field offices around the globe, young 专业s will experience the intricate workings of an international non-profit while being a part of the greater calling to help impact the world in Jesus’ Name".


"Sandhills 实习 bring student talent and employment opportunity together in temporary work experiences related to the students' academic career interests. Sandhills offers PAID internships for both undergraduate and graduate students in a wide variety of fields. Positions offer potential to work in the internship until graduation and potential career opportunities after graduation". 实习机会包括:商务和通讯, 公司销售, 市场营销, 双语国际营销, 人力资源, 和销售. 



“想在世界各地的有机农场生活和学习? 想和其他志同道合的人分享你的生活? WWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and 教育 experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, 从而帮助建立一个可持续的, 全球社区. As a volunteer (or WWOOFer as we call them) you will live alongside your host helping with daily tasks and experiencing life as a farmer. As a host farm you will open your home to receive visitors from your own country or abroad who want to connect with the land and support the organic movement".



The 历史 and Public Policy Program (HAPP) hosts interns and research assistants during the spring, 夏天, 秋季学期. Interns work on-site at the Wilson Center and will support HAPP programs such as the Cold War International 历史 Project (CWIHP), 朝鲜国际文献计划(NKIDP), 以及核扩散国际历史项目(NPIHP). 申请人必须就读于本科或硕士学位课程, 在过去一年内毕业了吗, 或者被历史系的高级学位课程录取, 政治科学, 图书馆学, 或相关领域.

实习是 无薪, though we do offer interns the opportunity to earn academic credit in accordance with their programs' requirements. 国际学生有资格,但他们必须持有有效的F-1或J-1签证 在申请时 适当的工作授权.



由学生为学生发起, BUNAC 自1962年以来一直为年轻人提供世界范围的工作冒险. 我们是英国最大的, A-rated Tier 5 visa sponsor and provide Government Authorized Exchange to enable students and recent graduates from non-EEA countries to intern in the UK, as well as offering 专业 internship opportunities in a multitude of other countries.

随着就业市场的缩小, overseas work experience or internships can be a vital part of a stand-out graduate’s resume. 出国旅行可能是一种令人生畏的经历,但是 BUNAC的 expertise of working with students and its wealth of travel experience, students can rely on BUNAC的 在他们离开美国之前提供指导和支持, 除了在海外期间提供全面的支持服务外.



海外实习生总部 currently offers both short-term and low-cost internship programs in 成本a Rica, 秘鲁库斯科(), 和危地马拉. 医疗保健(医疗)部门提供实习机会, 牙科, 物理治疗, 心理学), 小额信贷, 非政府组织的支持, 旅游 & 酒店业、青年发展 & 教育、环境 & 野生动物保护(以及更多). 入门级的选择可以从至少两周的持续时间.

我们的实习项目还包括指导反思课程, 基于体验式学习模式. 每周提供反思模块,每个模块介绍一个新主题, 提出学习目标, 并提供了具体的提示来激励日志过程, 以及个人和职业发展.

The purpose of this approach is to address articulation challenges and build personally relevant connections, 这样一来,学习就会被理解,并与实习生自己的生活相结合, 目标, 和观点. (It's widely reported that students who are more engaged with their learning experiences abroad enjoy more positive employment and personal well-being outcomes).